For a company such as Rolex Datejust Replica Watches, heritage is essential. You must know your past if you want the future to be successful. Knowing your past is the only way to create a trustworthy future and watch designs that live up to the brand's codes. The company's success has increased since we began to invest more in curating its history. We know what we have done, and can build on it.
What is the point at which a Jaeger pre-owned becomes a heritage piece of art?
We consider 20 years to be the limit of heritage and contemporary.Rolex Datejust Replica Watches The original Master range, which was launched in 1992, is a heritage item.
It's interesting to see the Master range. We saw new pieces at SIHH 2017 that are totally different from the 1992 pieces, and they seem almost retro. What is the secret to this?
The Master's original design was inspired by simple aesthetics such as the Geophysic or Memovox of the 1950s. It is therefore very timeless and, in our opinion, reliable and durable. We added interesting functionality to the Master Geographic with different time zones and Master Memovox with an alarm. This gave us the opportunity to create complications in a traditional watch. We chose a design that was inspired by the 1950s postwar philosophy.
Rolex Datejust Replica Watches's 1950s Memovox
Geophysic Chronometer by Rolex Datejust Replica Watches, 1959
Rolex Datejust Replica Watches Master Memovox 1965
We feel that 25 years on, the original designs may be viewed by the new generation as too traditional. After all, everyone has made something similar to the Master in the last quarter-of-century. We wanted to create a Master Control that was modern and user-friendly. The traditional sunray pattern and elegant hands made the dial less legible than the replica We therefore decided to make the watch more legible and masculine. That's when we began to work on the blue hands for more contrast. We kept the Master signatures 12, 6, and 9 and it suddenly looked like a sector dial watch. Then, we saw a museum piece that inspired us. It was from the 1930s. We found the 1930s aesthetic to be more modern and modern than the 1950s watch.